how to delete purchase history on walmart app

As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the Walmart app did not provide a direct option for users to delete their purchase history. However, you can achieve some level of privacy by clearing your app’s search history and managing your account settings. Here’s how you can do that:

Clearing Search History:

  1. Open the Walmart App:
    • Launch the Walmart app on your mobile device.
  2. Access Account Settings:
    • Tap on the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top left or top right corner of the app to open the side menu.
  3. Go to Account:
    • In the side menu, find and tap on “Account.”
  4. Clear Search History:
    • Within your account settings, there may be an option to clear your search history. The wording and location of this option may vary based on app updates and versions. Look for “Search History” or “Clear Search History.”

Managing Account Settings:

  1. Open the Walmart App:
    • Launch the Walmart app on your mobile device.
  2. Access Account Settings:
    • Tap on the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top left or top right corner of the app to open the side menu.
  3. Go to Account:
    • In the side menu, find and tap on “Account.”
  4. Manage Purchase History (if available):
    • Check your account settings for any options related to managing purchase history or order history. Some apps provide limited control over this data.
  5. Contact Walmart Support (if needed):
    • If you have specific concerns about your purchase history and need further assistance, you can contact Walmart’s customer support through the app or their website.

Please keep in mind that while you can clear your search history and potentially manage some aspects of your account settings, your purchase history may still be stored for order tracking, returns, and customer service purposes. Deleting your purchase history entirely might not be possible, but you can take steps to enhance your privacy as described above.

App features and options may have changed since my last update, so consider checking the latest version of the Walmart app or contacting Walmart’s customer support for the most up-to-date information on managing your account and purchase history.

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